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Shortcode Test

Well, I’m still trying to figure out how to display quiz or survey results from a Google Document form.  In trying to figure this out, I’ve been looking into this WordPress “shortcode.”  Apparently, shortcode allows you to pop in some simple code to provide some commonly-sought-after functionality that would otherwise be complicated.  Maybe WordPress veterans know all about this, but it’s new to me.

Shortcode! So in other words…

Here’s a “follow me on Twitter” thing:
[twitter-follow screen_name=’jonamdall’]

It actually works!  You can click on that thing and really follow me on Twitter.  Thanks to this shortcode, I just did something that would have been otherwise beyond my abilities in HTML!  I just typed the shortcode twitter-follow screen_name=’jonamdall’ (in brackets), and BAM!

It seems the secret to displayable survey results is found here.  Must…figure…out…

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