Buying Shirts, Artwork from Ads

Header from Gap Sketch Post

What’s the most commercial inspiration for art you can think of? Maybe a series on Walmart groceries? The magic of broken shopping carts? Or perhaps drawings about Applebees would fit the bill. I think someone could argue convincingly that the Gap would be a great choice for a generic corporate entity. Well, if suburban commercial-inspired sketches happen to be in your wheelhouse, I’ve got something for you!

Recently, I just happened to come across a deal on Gap Men’s Oxford button down shirts, which turned out to be an excellent one. These shirts were on final clearance, and were like $6 each. I guess they were discontinuing them, so I bought a bunch. They fit great, so I’m really happy about it. Anywho, for some reason I decided to draw the guy from the advertisement. Hey, the guy made the shirt look great, and was a convincing static-image salesperson! Here’s my sketch inspired by the Gap ad:


Great shirt, Mr. Ad Guy – perfect addition to my work clothes rotation. While I was at it, I decided to draw from a couple more people from ads. I’ve only finished these two right now, but I might complete some more at some point. Thanks for the source material, Corporate America!


If you’re curious, it does look like they have a few of these shirts left, although they are a bit more expensive and they only have XL in white: Oxford Shirt link. For some bizarre reason, the Gap changed the shirt model out. So it’s not the guy from this post anymore. Glad I already drew him!

Post-Publication Edit: Wow, when I read this after I published, this post totally sounded like an advertisement in its own right. I made a few edits to mention the store’s name less, used a bit more snarky language, and even considered a longer discussion on how I don’t shop there unless there’s a uniquely huge discount.

I guess I’ll just settle for a big ol’ caveat: I wasn’t paid anything for this, and it’s just a post about my sketches. I think that’s clear now from the edited language, but I figured I’d say it again. The Gap’s clothes are just alright (usually too expensive), and it’s only a random coincidence that I decided to sketch people from their ads. It could have been any clothes store, and I just happened to be there because of a post I saw on Slickdeals about this clearance sale.

There now. I feel better. I do like these sketches though, they turned out well I think.


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