Sketch Process

I mentioned elsewhere on this site a measurement/planning process I’ve used when drawing. Basically, it amounts to drawing a grid and using those uniform squares to more accurately sketch subjects. In the past I relied on this heavily, but towards the end of 2017 I actually stopped using it. I wasn’t sure if I’d be able to put aside this crutch, but to my surprise, all the practice I’ve gotten over the last few months has really helped.

Many of the older black and white sketches on the Drawing Archive page used some aspects of this grid system, as well as a few of my sketches after the “Getting Back into Art” post from early September. I think my “Dark Tower Campfire Outside the City of Lud” sketch was the last one I actually used a grid for, and my Dirk Nowitzki sketch may have been the start of my going gridless.

Anywho, here are the basics on the grid process. I’ve also included some other progression images, just to see how it goes in different examples.

Amdall animated sketch 3 family portraitOriginal Post:

Amdall Dark Tower Sus Oy JakeOriginal Post:

Dark Tower progressionOriginal Post:

This is odd and might be total nonsense, but I sometimes view “finished” art through a mirror. I think you can become sort of desensitized to your own work if you’ve spent enough time on one subject.  A mirror’s reflected image seems to give a fresh perspective on something.

Also, there are times when have backgrounds or additional things in mind that could be added, but I usually don’t include those things. I think it’s partially because I don’t really enjoy drawing scenery. Of course…that also could be because I’m just not that good at drawing things other than people! “Go with what you know” is something that I think I’ve heard, and maybe that’s what applies here.


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